How EFT Tapping and Horse Medicine Help with our Emotions

Woman in a coral shirt walking with large horse in a beautiful garden setting in Vancouver area.

Emotions can be messy & uncomfortable.

We don’t always like how they feel and would rather just ignore them. Most of us grew up in a time where we weren’t exactly encouraged to express or display them. Even though I don’t think my parents said it, the phrase “Why are you crying? I will give you something to cry about,” was very prominent in my era and has stuck in my subconscious. Things like this can give us the message that it isn’t safe to display emotions. 

Are you sensitive & empathetic too?

As a sensitive & empathetic child, I unconsciously recognized that my emotions made others uncomfortable so I tried not to display them. It felt important to me to keep the peace and harmony. I didn’t want to be the reason others were uncomfortable. So I stuffed them down or ignored them. If I couldn’t control the tears I went off alone and then tried to “hide” the fact that I had been crying. 

Looking back I can see so many times in life when I couldn’t stop the tears, whether they were from sadness or even frustration & anger. In these instances, I would always dismiss them by saying “I don’t even know why I am crying”. 

It wasn’t until I was in my late 30s that I learned a valuable lesson about emotions. Avoiding, ignoring, or even dismissing our emotions is also messy and uncomfortable - it isn't always felt immediately. 

Emotions are simply “energy in motion”.

When we avoid feeling our emotions, we unconsciously keep them stuck in our bodies because we aren’t allowing the energy to move. We might do this because we don't want to feel the discomfort, we don’t have time for it, or it isn't considered an  "acceptable" time or place to have or display them. We worry about making other people uncomfortable or that we’ll be judged a certain way for having or displaying emotions.

Tears are a great example of this! Have you ever seen someone cry and it makes you want to cry? Or they can often be judged as a sign of weakness, especially for men. 

Through our avoidance, whether intentional or not, we can end up with a volatile mix of emotions imprisoned in our bodies. Eventually, there is going to be a lack of space for it all and a revolt can occur, also known as dis-ease. We can feel limited or stuck in life, and that we can't create or manifest what we want because there is simply no room or energy left. This can manifest in fatigue, burnout, mental and/or physical ailments, spiritual dissonance and so much more! 

But it doesn't need to be this way!

Shawna Van Nyus riding Hudson at sunset.

Lightness and freedom follow “feeling”.

When we acknowledge what we are feeling and either allow ourselves to feel it or get curious about what information it's giving us, then we can let go.

This evokes a sense of lightness & freedom and creates space for us to recognize and generate what we want to feel instead. Especially after years of avoidance, I know it isn't always easy to allow ourselves to feel our emotions or even know what it is that we are feeling & why!

Sometimes we need guidance as we learn to recognize and process our emotions. 

Two of my favourite ways that I use for myself and my clients are EFT Tapping and Horse Medicine. 

EFT Tapping was the first modality that truly helped me grasp these concepts around emotions that I had been learning and put them into action in a way that felt safe & effective.

EFT Tapping helps calm the nervous system & sends signals to your body that it is safe which enables you to access all parts of your brain including the part where reasoning & logic reside. Let’s face it, we don’t always think clearly when our body thinks it’s in danger or being eaten!

Through EFT, you get to acknowledge what you are feeling and why. You're allowed and encouraged to let it all out without editing or judgment. Your mind & body start to feel seen & heard and your body can safely release some of the imprisoned emotions. 

This creates the freedom & spaciousness for you to claim what you want instead. This is where you establish a new story, a new way of living the life you want. 

Horse Medicine gives us the space & freedom to process our emotions

Horses are my favourite form of “therapy” as I have always experienced a special connection with them and I felt safe just being me. I didn’t have to hold or manage myself in a certain way, especially with my emotions. It’s no wonder this was my escape as a teenager! 

As I got older I was told that you leave your troubles at the gate. You put on a happy face so your horse doesn’t pick up on or respond to your emotions. But this never felt quite right to me. The barn was where I could allow my tears to come or spill my heart out without fear of being judged. I could truly be myself, emotions and all, with horses. 

I remember one day when I was riding Hudson (who is very big and strong), I was getting frustrated and feeling as though I was failing us both. I could have stuffed it down or ignored it, but I knew he could feel it regardless of whether I actually displayed it or not. 

In fact, sometimes I resorted to my old programming, “Maybe if I just breathe and be happy it will get better.  I should just give up for today and try again when I feel more composed. I can’t give in to my emotions because what if someone comes and sees me crying, then I have to explain how I feel.”

The truth is, this last one was exactly what I needed to do!  Not “give in” to them but rather acknowledge them and communicate them to Hudson, either verbally or mentally. I allowed myself to feel them for even a few seconds, while he stood by supporting me. Then I took some deep breaths and we tried again. Things always got better afterward. Not perfect by any means, but there was progress. 

Woman in white blouse standing with a majestic beautiful brown horse in a garden.

Through the medicine of horses, you are held and guided to greater internal connection, alignment, and flow which expands out to all areas of life. 

In my training to become an Equine Guided Coach, I learned that horses don't hold judgment around emotions like we do. As long as you acknowledge what you’re feeling and you don’t project or aim your emotions at them, they are willing to hold a safe sacred space for you to feel them in order to let them move. 

Their strong coherent heart pattern aligns you with theirs, enabling you to feel more peace & ease. This also increases your resilience, clarity, and confidence, and strengthens your intuition, helping you to discover the information or deeper meaning behind the emotion.

EFT Tapping and Horse Medicine have created amazing changes in my life, especially when I have used them together. I am able to gain wisdom about what is below the surface that needs to be addressed, and I can process it in layers both mentally & energetically. Plus I get valuable feedback from the horses along the way!


There’s a harmony here that empowers us and offers a unique transformative approach to our personal growth & emotional well-being. 

Would you like to experience the freedom that’s possible when we allow our emotions to be felt? Contact me and join the next community session in my Facebook group!


Horse Wisdom | The Hour that Changed my Life