Horse Wisdom Sessions

Be Present with Horses & Hear the Whisperings of your Soul

Equine Guided Coaching

Vancouver Area, British Columbia

You are pulled in so many directions

Right now, you feel at the whim of everything around you and by who the world wants you to be.

It's been so long that you aren’t even sure who you are anymore.

You are ready to be who you were meant to be but you don’t know how to find your way back.

Here we let go of where we think we should be

The horses will guide & help you find your inner presence and be where you are today.

They connect you with what's already within at this moment.

They offer us a space for being rather than doing.

Large dark brown horse standing in beautiful garden near Vancouver.

What is a Horse Wisdom Session?

Horses are masters at reading the energy of a space and the people within it. They respond to it fluidly, without bias or judgment, offering feedback and guiding us to the answers within.

When we allow ourselves to be present and share space with horses, the noise in our conscious mind falls away and we are guided to the answers within.

Horses are a tangible connection with our intuition. Through Equine Guided Coaching I help the horses share in a way that you can understand.

Experience Horse Wisdom

Through Equine Guided Coaching

  • Online Sessions

    Recorded virtual sessions with the horses and my (Shawna’s) translations & insightful questions during the recording.

    Includes a follow-up email or Voxer

    20 minutes

    $39 CAD

  • Private Sessions

    I will guide you through an experience with the horses at a local barn. This session will be designed with your individual goals in mind.

    Come prepared for weather changes and for walking in the horse field.

    2 hours

    $145 CAD

  • Group Sessions & Events

    A group experience centered around a common challenge or theme that has come up or is specific to the group.

    These sessions can be designed around specific professions (like nursing) and the unique challenges for that group.

    You will walk away with your unique message and an action step to take.

    These are limited to 6 participants.

    2 hours

    $49 CAD per person

What to Expect

During a Horse Wisdom Session

Upon arrival at your session

  1. We will chat about horse and human safety, what to expect from the horses and what to expect from me and I will answer any questions.

  2. We will come up with an intention to help create a point of focus.

  3. We will sign a waiver in accordance with the property’s insurance policy.

During your session

  1. We will go to the horses. They will be in the field and they always have a choice in whether they participate with us or not.

  2. We will see which horse or horses show up or who you feel called to. There are no expectations of them or us to be anyone but ourselves.

  3. I offer translations and observations of what the horse might be offering. This includes my own intuitive nudges as well as yours. This is a guided co-creative experience.

After your session

  1. We will regroup and return to the intention of the session.

  2. We will talk about the messages and how they can be integrated into your daily life.

  3. You will have email and Voxer access to me should anything come up after your session.

I’m ready to see what the horses want to offer me.

Frequently Asked Questions about Horse Wisdom Sessions

  • These are also known as Horse Wisdom Sessions.

    In this style of coaching, I partner with the horses in a way that honours their ability to read the energy of the space and those within it.

    I let the horses lead and use my knowledge and unique skill set to express the wisdom they offer in a way that is relatable to you and your self-development journey.

  • No. These sessions are designed with all levels of experience in mind.

  • Private sessions are generally 90-minutes and group sessions are 2 hours.

  • The horses are experts at reading energy and offer pure unbiased feedback.

    I offer translations of what the horses might be showing as well as questions, insights or invitations to look deeper based on what the horses are showing.

    In the end, we go over some tangible ways to integrate the teachings into daily life.

  • I take pictures during the session and I send those to you so you can revisit your experience.

    These can be helpful as you integrate your experience.

    I may use photos in promotional material with your permission.

  • Sessions are payable in full at the time of booking.

    *Please contact me for payment plan options.

  • You will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to pay, the address of where the session will take place, and how to dress for the experience.

Detailed Client Testimonial

He did the horse version of a mic drop

I participated in a horse energy session today with Shawna and Hudson. It wasn’t at all what I expected, but it was exactly what I needed.

Hudson did not move for 15 minutes. Seriously. He just stood there. As I looked at his eyes and observed his body language, the interesting thing was…he didn’t look bored. He didn’t look tired. He just looked content. Like he could stay there all day. And he almost did. At least, it felt like it to me.

You see, I’m obsessed with action. It is hard for me to be still. And even when I’m moving, my mind is already on to the next thing. I was literally referred to as a “workhorse” by a well-meaning colleague in my corporate career. It was meant to be a compliment, and I took it as such at the time. I wore it as a badge of honor. Now, I’m starting to feel differently.

After about 10 minutes, I started to get antsy. We had been standing there, just looking at Hudson. I glanced down at my kids, ages 5 and 7. They did not look antsy. So why was I? My mind implored Hudson to DO SOMETHING. GIVE ME A SIGN. HELP ME!

He just stood there. And so did I. I closed my eyes. I saw a vision of the feeling wheel and noticed that CONTENT and BOREDOM were close together.

And it hit me. I know for sure that I am never bored. So does this also mean I am rarely content? I heard… “Live in the present moment. Doing “nothing” isn’t lazy. Can you just be and not do?” This was the message.

Just as I finished expressing this out loud to Shawna, Hudson turned around and walked away. Like he did the horse version of a mic drop. Yep, that’s the message. You got it. I’m done! I didn’t touch Hudson, I didn’t ride him, and he didn’t “do” anything, but I felt his energy.

As we got ready to go, we noticed another horse Odyn. He was a very busy horse the entire time we were there – eating, walking, swatting flies, and even trying to kick over his hay feeder to get more food! But for a moment, he stood very still. To remind me. To echo the message that Hudson had given me.

As soon as I acknowledged him with a chuckle and an “Ok Odyn, messaged received buddy,” he was off again. Back to his barn. The message was reinforced on the car ride home as I listened to the girls chatter away about what an awesome time they had and asked me when we could return.

Over the following weeks, I was reminded of this message many times. When I arrived at my parents’ home, ready to work and get a lot of stuff done…no internet or cell service. Listening to my girls rave about “the most amazing day ever” when “all” we did was do cartwheels in the grass and catch lightning bugs.

When I want to remind myself of the message, I close my eyes and picture Hudson. I’m still working on it. The being. And more messages are downloading every single day.

Thank you, Hudson, for doing nothing. It was everything I needed.

Jessica Cerato

Jessica Cerato