Shawna Van Nuys

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Work with the Horse you have Today | Meet Yourself Now

Be Better, Do Better - Isn't this Personal Growth?

“Be better than you were yesterday.”

How many times have we heard this or even said it to ourselves?

I know this was how I thought for many years.  When I decided I didn’t want to compete with others I focused on being better than I was before. This sounds all well & dandy right?  Like we are striving to BE and DO better, which makes us good humans dedicated to our personal growth, right?

I think it’s BS.

The Problem is this Type of Thinking is Unrealistic

It puts us in competition with ourselves, creates expectations, and sets us up for failure.

When we aren’t stronger, faster, smarter, or generally “better” than the day before, we can be hard on ourselves. We didn’t meet our expectations and therefore failed. When something that has felt easy suddenly feels harder, we can judge ourselves & wonder what we’re doing wrong. We end up analyzing & criticizing.

 I still find myself in this place sometimes. And then I remember…

“Work with the horse you have today”

Our growth ebbs and flows. Nothing is in a constant state of growth, rather it's all cycles. Humans are no different.

This quote invites us to release expectations and meet the horses where they are at. They might not be where they were at yesterday and that’s ok. Or they might be the same or even better than they were and that’s ok too.

 What if we could apply this wisdom to ourselves?

  •  Release any expectations or judgment

  • Honour where we are at that moment

  • Work with who and where we are today, mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally

Ok, but How Exactly do I do this?

 This is the part where my mind would ask the “how” question.

The answer is simple. Not always easy to do but simple in concept.


  • At this moment, where are you at?

  • How do you feel emotionally?

  • How does your body feel? 

 Notice where you are at, not where you think you should be. Or worse, where others think you should be!

When we are present with ourselves and listening without judgment, we create unity & harmony within. This is self-care and connection!

Meet Yourself Now through these Offerings

This is what I am passionate about!

Through EFT Tapping, Horse Medicine, and Guided Meditations I can guide you into the experience of being present with yourself.

To explore these options, I invite you to book a free 30-minute Connection Call. If you don’t see a date & time that works for you, simply reach out and we will find one that works for both of us!